31 Jul 2023
Recap 2023

Recap of the best moments of the year, filled with achievements and recognition

At this time when many of us take a break for well-deserved holidays, it is also the moment to recap the first half of 2023, filled with activities and significant accomplishments for inCentea Wide.
We highlight some of the best moments of this year...

Paving the way for future collaborations and partnerships

Our presence at national and international events allowed us to establish new connections with promising projects that deserved our full attention, paving the way for future collaborations and partnerships.

We showcased as exhibitors at Mindtech Vigo, one of the most prestigious trade fairs in Spain, where we presented the latest innovations from Sage.

Furthermore, we participated in major events in the Medicinal Cannabis industry in Europe, such as Cannabis Europa in London and Spannabis in Barcelona. These participations provided valuable opportunities to closely explore the trends and innovations in this rapidly expanding market.

Recognition and Excellence

One of the achievements that make us most proud is the recognition we received through 3 awards: Top Reseller NCA FY22, Top Reseller Volume FY22, and Sage Partner Platinum Club. These awards showcased our dedication and commitment to providing quality solutions and services to our clients. They reinforce our position as one of Sage's key partners and demonstrate our ability to achieve remarkable results in the industry.

Within the scope of our relationship with Sage, we also highlight our participation in the annual Sage Partner Summit 2023, held in Las Vegas, USA. This event was a unique opportunity to learn about the latest technological updates and innovations for the mid-market, where we strategically operate. Our presence at this event strengthened the bonds with our partner Sage and allowed us to align strategies to continue delivering innovative and valuable solutions to our clients.

The inCentea Wide "dream team"

Last but not least, we must mention the most important factor... our talented inCentea Wide "dream team". None of our achievements would have been possible without the exemplary commitment of our human resources. They are absolutely the pillar of our success.

In summary

The first half of 2023 was a period of great success for inCentea Wide, marked by significant recognitions, presence in key events, and consolidation of strategic partnerships. We are confident that these accomplishments will serve as a driving force for the coming months.

We wish everyone a rejuvenating holiday season, filled with happy and relaxing moments with family and friends. May you use this time to recharge your energies, enjoy new experiences, and return with fresh ideas and inspirations.