How we work

Acquired experience

We are recognized by SAGE as one of its main strategic partners in Portugal. In the market since 2003, we have gathered experience and know-how in the area of ​​Information Systems.

Collaboration and Dedication

Together with our clients we help evaluate business opportunities and present value propositions tailored to the size of each business. For this, we bet on the professionalism and technical capacity of our employees, possessing, therefore, certifications, in the products that we integrate.



Requirements gathering

Our consultants analyze the procedures and work methods applied in the client's business and evaluate the possible scenarios for achieving their goals.

Presentation of the proposal

We identify the solution most appropriate to the context of the organization and design the respective model of operation.


  • We implement the project in order to deliver and meet the deadline, budget and desired quality;
  • We train the users and accompany their familiarization with the solution;
  • We provide a Support Service, including an Application Update Agreement and a Service Agreement, which enables you to keep your solution up-to-date, optimized, and affordable.


inCentea Wide solutions are designed to support you in everything you need in your business, now and in the future.

Therefore, a dedicated support area with a set of services is available, of which we highlight:

  • Support Contract that allows telephone or face-to-face support, in order to simplify the technical support process;
  • Upgrade training for users to develop their skills and better exploit applications;
  • Monitoring and continuous improvement procedures to ensure the expected return on investment.

Client support

The Support Agreement guarantees customers privileged access to our services, continuity in the provision of services and financial conditions most advantageous!

Support can be:

Service Desk (telephone support supported by remote interventions);

Custom (usually at Customer's premises);

Proactive (interventions scheduled to monitor the system and anticipate problems).

Customers with an active Support Contract have access to our Customer Support Area, so they can manage their contract with the greatest convenience (creating incidents, approving incidents, closing incidents, visualizing activities carried out, etc.).

Quality Policy

The inCentea Wide's Quality Policy (PQ) is based on the company's position with customers, employees, shareholders and, more broadly, with the society in which it operates, and its purpose is to frame the organization's ongoing improvement effort in pursuit of the objectives and requirements set out in its action strategy.

There are three fundamental vectors that, in this context, guide the positioning of inCentea Wide:

  • The monetization of Information Systems in its customers;
  • A good working environment and a constant improvement in the well-being of its employees;
  • Fair remuneration for investments made by its shareholders.

inCentea Wide aims to become an “idea-sharing” organization:

  • Participate in cutting-edge, technologically innovative projects;
  • Be a “technology diffuser”. 

inCentea Wide seeks to be socially involved:

  • Be recognized as a regular partner of public or private institutions;
  • Be aware of environmental, social and other problems that exist in the local community.