12 Mar 2020

COVID-19 | Contingency information and measures


Dear customers,

We inform that, at this moment, there are no cases of COVID-19 infection among inCentea Wide employees.

We have been closely following the evolution of this global emergency situation, always focused on the continuity of service to customers. For this reason, inCentea Wide is prepared with contingency measures appropriate to different scenarios and which include, among others:

  • To guarantee the possibility of remote assistance, in cases where face-to-face assistance is not recommended, either for the client's own reasons, or as indicated by health authorities;
  • Maintain a device that ensures the possibility of remote work to be carried out by inCentea Wide employees in the event of any social isolation that may be identified, in order to guarantee the continuity of our service.

Naturally, inCentea Wide will follow the instructions of the health authorities and will adopt the measures that are indicated by them and in close coordination with the various heads of our Business Units. Our team will keep in touch with customers whenever necessary.

Bearing in mind the unpredictable nature, both in depth and in time, of this remote working situation by the inCentea Wide team, we are available to make available to our customers the technological means that are within our reach and that allow to mitigate the impact this situation.

inCentea Wide, at every moment, will find alternative solutions in order to minimize the impact on our clients' activity. Even so, we thank you all for understanding any difficulties that we may experience during this period.

This information is valid at the date in title, and is updated whenever necessary.

inCentea Wide Administration